Capstone Project Overview

Oftentimes, those with the most important messages to share have neither the time nor money to create the most effective media for communicating their messages to others.  Research has been done on this topic; however, it is largely inaccessible in both cost and writing.  GRID is a free, readable, research-based web guide on how to write more readable documents, aimed at those working for social good.  It takes research-based guidelines and professional industry practices and makes them easy to digest and implement for any screen-based document.

Stakeholders and Users

Parties interested in this work may include:

  • non-profit organizations and their workers,

  • activists,

  • research and academic communications specialists,

  • public sector employees, and

  • other people and organizations communicating information for social good to the public.


For this project, I:

  • found and read research and professional industry publications to identify best practices for readable, retainable document creation,

  • organized content into followable steps and modules,

  • synthesized practices into short blurbs (with resources, tools, and statistics),

  • designed and added examples of the recommendations in practice,

  • created a quick-reference guide, and

  • created before and after sample documents illustrating GRID practices.

Benefits and Solutions

This project:

  • provides a free, readable, and reliable guide for creating better documents,

  • connects servants of social good to free tools to help them accomplish their mission through communication, and

  • centers accessibility of writing and design in its guidance to include as much of the public as possible.



Cheat Sheet/Quick Reference Guide


Sample Before and After Documents